Lakefair Week 2025 is coming to Capitol Lake July 16-20, 2025! Registration now open for the Royalty Tea Party
sponsorship & advertising opportunities

event sponsorship

Capital Lakefair is one of the largest and longest running festivals in Thurston County. Our annual summer festival has been a community tradition for generations, celebrating it's 66th anniversary, and entertains more than 200,000 visitors around Capitol Lake. The festival is a community oriented event that attracts families and people of all ages from around Western Washington and beyond. Lakefair also provides the opportunity for area non-profit organizations to generate $225,000 in revenue annually through food concessions.
Event Sponsorships help support all aspects of Capital Lakefair's annual operation. This is includes Lakefair Week every July, Scholarship and Royalty Programs for local students, community engagement at events such as Life Skills Prom and Little Red School House, float travel and much more.
All Event Sponsors are prominently featured on our website. Below are some of the options available to customize your package. If you're interested in becoming a Sponsor, please reach out for more information on opportunities to partner with Capital Lakefair!
presenting sponsor

Many of the larger events at Lakefair offer partial or complete sponsorship opportunities. Current availabilities include the Scholarship Program, Car Show awards, Non-profit Food Row, Lakefair Float travel, Arts & Crafts vendor booths, Grand Parade and Hospitality Weekend.

Lakefair reserves a large area in the middle of the festival grounds, dubbed the “Midway,” at Heritage Park for Event Sponsors. Standard size for booths is 10ft x 10ft and Sponsors have the freedom to pick specific days and/or times they wish to participate at the event. Booths can be used for distributing marketing material, demos or activities to engage visitors.
street banners
Street banners are mounted to the light poles neighboring a high traffic route in the heart of Olympia, extending along Capitol Way S at 5th toward the Washington State Capitol Campus. Banners measure 3 x 5 feet and feature Lakefair imagery and custom graphics highlighting sponsors. Banners are up for a 3-week period prior to and during Lakefair Week.
parade entry

Have a fun company vehicle or routine you'd like to perform for a large audience? The Grand Parade takes place on Saturday afternoon of Lakefair Week, and travels past the Washington State Capitol Building on it's way to Downtown Olympia and the Lakefair grounds.